Espaces extérieurs sains
Activating the Outdoors with Purpose
“Every day is a new opportunity to experience the benefits of being outdoors, and our goal is to use design to make these experiences more frequent, enjoyable and unique,” says Landscape Forms Chief Creative Officer, Kirt Martin.
The mission Martin describes is Landscape Forms' founding focus and has been driving innovation at the company for over 50 years. "Our company was founded on the belief that being outdoors is not just enjoyable, but an integral part of a healthy lifestyle and overall personal well-being," says Landscape Forms Chief Executive Officer, Marjorie Simmons. This connection between time spent outdoors and benefits to physical and mental health may seem obvious to some - something that has become a topic of substantial scientific research.
According to Dr. Sara Warber, Clinical Professor Emeritus of Family Medicine at University of Michigan, the connection is clear-our health is deeply intertwined with getting outside and spending time in nature. "While it's something that we intuitively understand as humans, studies prove the health benefits of spending time outside. The emotional benefits of being outdoors are the best studied and most well-known-when outdoors, people's reported mental well-being is generally improved, positive emotions are enhanced, perceived stress is down, and feelings of depression are down," says Dr. Warber. "But what I find even more fascinating is how the environment can actually change our physiology. There is more and more budding research that suggests when in nature, our immune system changes, our endocrine system changes, and our heart rate variability changes into a more nurturant state rather than an anxiety-stress state."
These benefits have increasingly come to light as we continue to encounter the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. Face à l’incertitude et au stress de notre situation actuelle, les gens se tournent vers les expériences en plein air pour trouver réconfort et soulagement, et face à une crise de santé publique, les communautés ont besoin d’espaces extérieurs innovants pour atténuer les risques tout en permettant aux gens de s’impliquer dans les aspects fondamentaux de la vie quotidienne "Today, more than ever, there's a need for people to work, study, meet and eat outdoors," says Kirt Martin. "But it's important to create spaces in which people feel comfortable, where they feel in control of their environment. For me, Upfit is the ultimate embodiment of this balance."
One of Landscape Forms' most successful product collections, Upfit is an adaptive structure system that gives designers and landscape architects the tools to create tailored destinations that capitalize on a site's underutilized outdoor space. Upfit defines and delineates space, bringing the familiarity and functionality of indoors out. This year, in the new era of social distancing and moving work, study and other activities outdoors, Upfit's benefits and significance have become even more acute. Adaptive, modular and scalable, it transforms previously unused outdoor areas into work spaces, classrooms, dining areas and meeting hubs, fully powered, lit and with the amenities people need to be comfortable and productive.
The challenge to keep people both safely distanced, yet still very much connected to each other and to their natural environment, is critical during this time. It's important that people are able to maintain that safe physical distance without sacrificing their social or emotional wellness.
Landscape Forms has long promoted the idea that integrating unique and innovative outdoor experiences into public spaces plays a key role in elevating the quality of life of the community. So, while many of these solutions have been designed specifically to address the new concerns of the times, the overall benefits of activating and beautifying underutilized outdoor spaces are far-reaching and enduring. "Extending and modifying our existing structure of innovation to alleviate new public health concerns while still enabling the activation of underutilized outdoor spaces is a very natural step for us," concludes CEO Simmons. "Our focus is in giving our customers the tools and inspiration to move forward with confidence and creativity-both in the immediate time period and in the more distant future."
Basé à Kansas City, dans le Missouri, KEM STUDIO est un cabinet de design primé qui fusionne l'architecture et le design industriel, une combinaison qui est le prolongement naturel de sa philosophie de design sous-jacente : Mieux concevoir, mieux vivre.
Faire plus en plein air : Jonathon Kemnitzer de KEM STUDIO sur la connexion des gens à la nature à travers le design
Il y a de fortes chances qu’au cours des derniers mois, vous ayez dépoussiéré ce vieux vélo dans le garage, enfilé vos chaussures de marche un peu plus régulièrement ou profité d’autres activités de plein air qui sont normalement en dehors de votre routine quotidienne. Cela semble être un phénomène assez universel que, face à l’incertitude et au stress de notre situation actuelle, nous nous tournons vers les expériences de plein air pour le confort et le soulagement.
Prescrire la nature : le point de vue d’un médecin sur le bien-être et le plein air
Lorsque le système de structures extérieures adaptatives Upfit a été lancé en 2018, son objectif était clair : donner aux architectes paysagistes les outils nécessaires pour créer des destinations sur mesure qui tirent parti des espaces extérieurs sous-utilisés d'un site.
Créer les espaces extérieurs dont nous avons besoin aujourd'hui
À mesure que les méthodes d'enseignement évoluent vers des approches d'apprentissage plus actives et collaboratives, il existe une importante possibilité de mieux intégrer les espaces en dehors des quatre murs de la salle de classe dans les programmes d'enseignement pour les enfants et l'enseignement supérieur.
Création de lieux sur les campus : l'éducation à l'extérieur des murs